Where Can I Sell My Used Generator?

Generators are integral to our lives, ensuring a constant power supply during emergencies or events. However, there may come a time when you need to sell your used generator, be it due to upgrading to a newer model, financial needs, or a transition to more eco-friendly energy sources.

You can sell your used generator through various platforms such as online marketplaces like eBay, Craigslist, or Facebook Marketplace. Additionally, consider specialized websites like Generator Exchange or local classified ads. Ensure to provide accurate details, photos, and fair pricing to attract potential buyers.

This article will guide you through selling your used generator, from preparing it for sale to closing a successful deal.

Reasons for Selling a Used Generator

Most people sell used generators for various reasons. You could upgrade to a more efficient model, eliminate surplus equipment, address sudden financial needs, or transition to renewable energy sources. Your reason will help you determine the best way to sell your generator.

Preparing Your Generator for Sale

Before you can sell your generator, it needs to be in its best condition. Ensure that it’s clean and functioning optimally. Has it been serviced to fix any existing issues?

Also, gather its service history and any original paperwork to prove its worth and maintenance record to potential buyers. Additionally, clear, high-quality photos can help show off its condition and increase its appeal to buyers.

Evaluating the Worth of Your Generator

Understanding your generator’s worth is crucial to setting a competitive and fair price. Factors that affect its value include age, brand, condition, and service history. You can seek an expert appraisal or use online tools to estimate its value.

options for selling used generator

Where to Sell Used Generators?

Once your generator is prepared and its value assessed, it’s time to explore where to sell it. Here are some options:

Online Marketplaces: eBay, Craigslist, Amazon, and Facebook Marketplace are popular online platforms. They attract a large audience and provide tools to facilitate the transaction.

Dealers or Pawn Shops: These establishments buy used goods, including generators. They handle the transaction process, making it easier for you. However, they might offer a better price than they aim to resell at a profit.

Auctions: Live or online can be a good option, especially if your generator is high-value or rare.

Trade-in Options: Some stores or manufacturers offer trade-ins, allowing you to exchange your old generator for a discount on a new one.

Local Businesses or Friends: Pay attention to your local network. Local businesses might need a generator, especially in construction, event planning, or outdoor recreation. Your friends might also be interested or know someone who is.

Safety and Legal Considerations

Selling used goods comes with its share of risks. Ensure you protect yourself during transactions, especially when dealing with strangers online. Follow the guidelines provided by the platform on safe transactions. Regarding legal obligations, ensure your generator meets the standards for used electrical equipment in your jurisdiction.

Tips for a Successful Sale

Creating a compelling product description can draw attention to your listing. Highlight the key features, the condition, and the reasons it could benefit the buyer. Price your generator competitively, but be ready to negotiate. Above all, strive to make the transaction as smooth as possible.

FAQ on selling used generator

Do pawn shops buy generators?

Many pawn shops buy used generators, particularly if they’re in good condition and from a reputable brand. Keep in mind, however, that pawn shops need to make a profit, so they will likely offer you less than what you might get selling it directly to a buyer.

Before you decide to sell your generator to a pawn shop, it’s a good idea to gather any paperwork or proof of purchase you have and clean and service the generator if needed. These steps could increase the price that the pawn shop is willing to pay. Also, understand your generator’s market value to ensure you’re getting a fair price.

Always check with the specific pawn shop first, as buying policies vary from shop to shop.

What is a small generator worth?

The value of a small generator can vary widely based on factors like brand, condition, power output, and features. On the lower end, basic used small generators from lesser-known brands might be priced around $100 to $300. However, more reputable brands with higher power outputs and additional features can command prices ranging from $300 to $800 or more, especially if they are in excellent condition.

How many years can a generator last?

The lifespan of a generator can vary widely depending on several factors, including the brand, quality, maintenance, usage patterns, and environmental conditions. Generally speaking, a well-maintained generator can last anywhere from 10 to 30 years or more. Here are some key considerations:

Quality and Brand: Higher-quality generators from reputable brands tend to have longer lifespans. They are built with better materials and craftsmanship, which can contribute to their longevity.

Maintenance: Regular maintenance is crucial for extending the life of a generator. Following the manufacturer’s recommended maintenance schedule, such as changing oil and filters, inspecting components, and addressing any issues promptly, can significantly impact its lifespan.

Usage: How often the generator is used and for how long each time can affect its lifespan. A generator used infrequently and for shorter periods might last longer than one used heavily and for extended durations.

Load Capacity: Running a generator at or near its maximum capacity frequently can strain its components and potentially reduce its lifespan. It’s advisable to choose a generator with a higher wattage capacity than you actually need to prevent constant operation at full load.

Environmental Conditions: The operating environment plays a role. Generators exposed to extreme temperatures, humidity, or corrosive atmospheres may experience wear and tear more quickly.

Fuel Quality: The type and quality of fuel used can influence generator performance and longevity. Clean, high-quality fuel can help maintain proper engine function.

Technological Advances: Over time, advancements in technology might make older generators less efficient or less compatible with new systems.

Upkeep: If parts become obsolete or hard to find, it can affect the generator’s maintenance and repair, potentially shortening its lifespan.


Selling your used generator may seem daunting initially, but with the right preparation and knowledge, it’s a straightforward process. Following the steps outlined in this guide, you can get a fair price for your generator while ensuring a smooth and successful sale.

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Rayan is an engineer, lives in a farmhouse. He has a passion for electronics and alternative energy. He loves to share his thoughts with other people. That is why he started the blog.

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