How to Clean Generator’s Carburetor?

A carburetor plays a pivotal role in the functionality of a generator. It is a vital component that blends air and fuel for an internal combustion engine.

However, over time, the carburetor may become dirty or clogged, which can hamper the generator’s performance.

In this article we will guide you through the process of cleaning a generator’s carburetor, helping you to maintain optimal functionality.

where is the carburetor on a generator?

The exact location of the carburetor on a generator can vary slightly depending on the model and manufacturer, but it’s usually situated in the same general area. Here’s how you can locate it:

  1. Start by finding the air filter: The carburetor is typically located near the air filter. The air filter is usually housed in a clearly visible, typically rectangular box or cover that’s attached to the side of the engine. You may need to remove this cover to access the carburetor.
  2. Locate the carburetor: Once you have located and removed the air filter, you should be able to see the carburetor. It’s usually a circular or tubular part that’s directly attached to the engine and air filter housing.

The carburetor has two main parts:

  • The body: This is the larger part and includes a cylindrical tube where the air filter connects.
  • The bowl: This is the bottom part of the carburetor and is often a round or cylindrical shape. The bowl can often be unscrewed or otherwise removed for cleaning.

How to Clean Generator’s Carburetor?

Tools Required for Cleaning a Generator’s Carburetor

To clean your generator’s carburetor, you’ll need a carburetor cleaner, a wrench set, a screwdriver, and protective gloves. It’s essential to use high-quality tools and cleaning solutions to avoid causing damage to the carburetor or yourself.

Preparation for Cleaning

Before cleaning, you’ll need to remove the carburetor from the generator. This usually involves disconnecting the fuel line and removing the bolts that hold the carburetor in place. Always keep track of any screws, bolts, or other parts you remove so they can be replaced accurately.

Detailed Steps to Clean a Generator’s Carburetor

Cleaning a generator’s carburetor can be a complex task and should be performed carefully. Here is a step-by-step guide:

Safety First: Before you begin, make sure the generator is turned off, disconnected from any power source, and has had sufficient time to cool down.

Prepare Your Workspace: Clean the area around the generator to avoid getting any additional dirt into the engine or carburetor. Have a clean cloth and a container to hold small parts.

Remove the Air Filter: The air filter is usually located on the side of the generator and can be removed by unscrewing or unclipping it. This gives you access to the carburetor.

Disconnect the Carburetor: Using the appropriate tools, disconnect the fuel line and throttle linkage from the carburetor. Be careful with the fuel line as some residual fuel may spill out.

Remove the Carburetor: Remove the mounting screws to detach the carburetor from the generator. Handle it gently to avoid any damage.

Disassemble the Carburetor: Depending on your model, remove the float bowl, float, and needle valve. Keep all small parts in a secure container to prevent them from getting lost.

Clean the Components: Use carburetor cleaner to spray each part, ensuring you remove any grime or buildup. A small brush or toothpick can be useful for stubborn spots or small orifices. Avoid using wire or other hard materials that could scratch or damage parts.

Let Parts Dry: Allow the components to air dry completely before reassembling.

Reassemble the Carburetor: Replace the components in the reverse order of how you removed them, making sure everything fits correctly and securely.

Reinstall the Carburetor: Attach the carburetor back to the generator, reconnect the fuel line and throttle linkage, and finally, reinstall the air filter.

Test the Generator: After everything is reassembled, start the generator to make sure it’s operating correctly. If it’s still not working correctly, you may need to seek professional help.

Remember, cleaning a carburetor can be a tricky process. If you’re unsure, it may be best to leave it to professionals to prevent any damage to your generator. Always refer to the user manual for specific instructions for your generator model.

Reassembling and Testing

After cleaning, you can reassemble the carburetor and reinstall it in the generator. Ensure each component is securely in place to prevent future issues.

Once the carburetor is reinstalled, you can test the generator. It should start smoothly and run without stalling or fluctuating in power. If there are still issues, you may need to repeat the cleaning process or consult a professional.

how to clean a carburetor on a generator without removing it?

While it’s usually more effective to remove the carburetor from the generator for a thorough cleaning, there are some steps you can take to clean it without removal. However, these steps might not be as effective if the carburetor is heavily clogged or dirty. Here’s how you can do it:

Tools Needed

  • Carburetor cleaner (spray)
  • Protective gloves
  • Safety goggles

Safety Precautions

  • Ensure that the generator is off and has cooled down completely before you start the cleaning process.
  • Wear protective gloves and safety goggles. Carburetor cleaner is a potent substance and can harm your skin or eyes.
  • Work in a well-ventilated area to avoid inhaling fumes from the cleaner.

Cleaning Process of carburetor on a generator without removing it

  1. Locate the air filter: The carburetor is usually situated near the air filter of your generator. You’ll first need to remove this air filter to access the carburetor.
  2. Spray carburetor cleaner: Once you’ve removed the air filter, you should see a circular or tubular part that’s attached to the generator’s engine; this is the carburetor. Using the carburetor cleaner, spray directly into the carburetor. Make sure to spray thoroughly to reach all parts.
  3. Wait and let it soak: After spraying, let the cleaner sit for a few minutes. This allows the cleaner to dissolve any gunk or build-up within the carburetor.
  4. Start the generator: After letting the cleaner soak, start your generator and let it run for a few minutes. This allows the cleaner to work its way through the carburetor and the engine, cleaning out any remaining dirt or debris.
  5. Repeat if necessary: If your generator is still not running smoothly after the first round of cleaning, you may need to repeat the process a few times.

While this method can help with minor clogs and dirt buildup, it may not be effective for severe cases. If your generator’s performance doesn’t improve after cleaning, or if it worsens, it’s advisable to consult with a professional or consider removing the carburetor for a more thorough cleaning.

Best generator carburetor cleaner

When cleaning a generator’s carburetor, a specific carburetor cleaner is usually the best choice. These cleaners are designed to break down the gum, varnish, and carbon deposits that can accumulate in a carburetor and affect its performance. Here are some popular and well-regarded options:

  1. Berryman B-12 Chemtool Carburetor, Choke & Throttle Body Cleaner: This cleaner comes in an aerosol can for easy application and is designed to quickly dissolve gum, varnish, fuel residue, and other deposits.
  2. Gumout Jet Spray Carb/Choke & Parts Cleaner: Gumout’s cleaner is designed for a variety of components, including carburetors, and is effective in removing deposits and improving performance.
  3. CRC Carb and Choke Cleaner: This fast-acting carburetor cleaner is formulated to effectively dissolve and remove varnish, gum, and other residues.
  4. Gunk Chlorinated Carburetor Cleaner: Gunk’s carburetor cleaner is designed to quickly dissolve sludge, grease, varnish, and dirt to improve engine performance.

These cleaners are generally available in most auto parts stores, and many can also be ordered online. It’s always important to use such cleaners safely. They’re usually flammable and can be harmful or fatal if swallowed or inhaled, and they can also cause eye and skin irritation. Always follow the manufacturer’s safety instructions, and use in a well-ventilated area. Wear protective gloves and safety glasses to avoid direct contact.

Related Post:

Generator Carburetor Problems (Troubleshooting)

Final Thoughts

While these cleaners can help maintain a generator’s carburetor, they can’t fix mechanical issues or problems caused by severe wear and tear. If your generator continues to perform poorly after cleaning, you may need to consult a professional for more in-depth maintenance or repair.


Rayan is an engineer, lives in a farmhouse. He has a passion for electronics and alternative energy. He loves to share his thoughts with other people. That is why he started the blog.

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